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The Akh Pendulum is suited to help earthbound spirits receive life force and help them transition to the next stage of their spiritual evolution. This radiates the Blue frequency of light, which is perfect for all healing applications at a distance or in person energy work. 

This pendulum is made out of machined brass and is just just under 3 inches long , highly responsive, and will appeal to those liking a heavier Pendulum.

Whether you're experienced or a beginner to pendulum healing this one will take your abilities to exciting new levels while increasing your awareness to subtle energies.


In spiritual and metaphysical traditions Brass is the metal that brings out natural good and inner truth. Even the phrase 'getting down to brass tacks' tells of clearing away the old debris and getting down to the pure and natural truth. 

Brass is known as a “problem-solving” metal. It's often thought to symbolize the vitality of the human mind and the regaining of one's mental capabilities. Brass is said to help “keep the mind young and youthful”

The term Akh  comes to us from the understanding of ancient Egyptian religion which basically refers to a transformed spirit of the light. The Egyptians believed that the soul consisted of many parts and that proper care and rituals were carried out to ensure that there would be a continuation of life after death. It was understood that the soul needed to be nourished to be given life force to be an enlightened spirit after death, not just a wandering earthbound.

 To understand this better let's talk about a couple aspects of the soul that make the Akh.


The BA was everything that makes an individual unique, similar to the notion of personality, carrying the traits from the most recent incarnation. The BA is an aspect of a person that the Egyptians believed would live after the body died, and it is sometimes depicted as a human-headed bird flying out of the tomb to join with the KA in the afterlife.

In the Coffin Texts, one form of the BA that comes into existence after death is corporeal, eating, drinking and copulating. Some would say that the BA is not merely a part of the person but is the person Themself, unlike the soul in Greek, or late Judaic, Christian or Muslim beliefs.

 The BA of the deceased could do either harm or good to persons still living, depending on the circumstances, causing nightmares, feelings of guilt, sickness, hauntings, etc.

Also, the BA of the deceased is depicted in the Book of the Dead returning to the mummy and participating in life outside the tomb in non-corporeal form, echoing the solar theology of Ra uniting with Osiris each night.


The KA, was the Egyptian concept of vital essence or life force. KA distinguishes the difference between a living and a dead person, with death occurring when the KA left the body. 

The Egyptians believed that Khnum created the bodies of children on a potter's wheel and inserted them into their mothers' bodies. Depending on the region, Egyptians believed that Heqet or Meskhenet was the creator of each person's KA. 

Breathing it into them at the instant of their birth as the part of their soul that made them be alive. This resembles the concept of spirit in other religions.

The Egyptians also believed that the KA was sustained through food and drink. For this reason food and drink offerings were presented to the dead, although it was the KA within the offerings that was consumed, not the physical aspect. 


The Ancient Egyptians believed that the goal after death was to reunite the BA of the deceased with the KA (lifeforce). This would allow them to be able to travel between worlds and to assume the shape of anything they wanted. This would make them a powerful spirit of the light in which they could assist and protect loved ones and devotees on Earth.

The Akh characterized the soul of a deceased person as an effective entity in the next world.


The reanimation of the Akh was only possible if the proper funeral rites were executed and followed by constant offerings. The ritual was aimed to make a dead person into an living Akh in the afterlife. In this sense, it even developed into a sort of ghost or roaming dead being when the tomb was not in order any more. 

The separation of the BA and the unification with the KA were brought about after death by having the proper offerings made and knowing the proper, efficacious spell, but there was an attendant risk of dying again. Egyptian funerary literature like the the Coffin Texts and the Book of the Dead were intended to aid the deceased in "not dying a second time" and to aid in becoming an Akh. In other words they were trying to save them from being stuck in limbo or what Catholics call Purgatory.



Brass Akh Pendulum

$125.00 Regular Price
$93.75Sale Price


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